Sunday 6 March 2011

Illustration friday: Swarm

I removed all the gray space from the original sketch and made the outlines solid black, I then cleaned up the area around the outlines and added borders to separate the images, this also creates a comic book style to the overall image. I decided to add a yellow colour to the honeycomb to define it more.

Illustration friday: Swarm

This is my original sketch for illustration friday before I edited it on Photoshop.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Illustration friday: Layers 2

I cut out the sketch i did for illustration friday and edited it on Photoshop in the filter gallery, i did the same with two other images to create one final piece all together there is five layers on the image.

Illustration friday: Layers

I chose to sketch out a set of Jenga blocks for the topic 'Layers', i didn't think it was interesting enough so i made the top half of the blocks look like they were falling over.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Illustration Friday: Reverse

I chose to do this weeks illustration friday topic digitally. When i first thought of reverse i thought of the evolution line backwards. I gathered 5 different images from the internet and simplified them on photoshop so they all looked similar, i then resized the images to add a gradual increase look. Finally i added a text. I first had 'evolution' and then i added it again but reversed, i then thought of the opposite to evolution which is devolution/de-evolution so i changed the text to that as it better suits the image.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Illustration Friday: Surrender

I chose to do another simplistic line art cartoon in black pen but this time i added a hint of red colour to the image.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Illustration Friday: Dusty 2

I wanted to show 'dusty' in another way so i drew a person blowing dust off an old book, I decided to do a simple line art drawing using a graphics pen. I took a picture of the image and made the lines more visible digitally.

Illustration Friday: Dusty

The topic for Illustration Friday was 'dusty', the first thing that came to mind was an old rocking chair. I sketched out a Victorian style rocking chair and made sure i was heavy with the tone and shading to create a dark feel to the image.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Google Reader.

Google reader is a quick and easy way to get updates and information on blogs you are following. The layout is simple and easy to use and it makes blogging much more organised. There is also google reader for your mobile which will allow you to sort your blogging out on the move.